sheep AI

Sheep AI Offers Options 

Sheep AI One little lamb, two little lambs, three little lambs…all with the same outstanding sire. Counting sheep can be a lot more fun when using the advanced reproductive technologies available to you. Artificial insemination (AI) is becoming more prevalent within the industry as a way to propagate genetics from proven sires from across the […]

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protein tub for goats

DuraFerm® Offers A Protein Tub for Goats 

Protein Tub for Goats There are many seasons during a goat’s life and reasons it might require some additional protein in its diet.   Goats may need extra protein in their diets during specific life stages or under certain conditions. Protein constitutes the building blocks for cells. If a goat’s diet is inadequate in protein, then fetal […]

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sheep gestation

How to Prepare Nutritionally for Sheep Gestation

Sheep Gestation Sheep breeding season is exciting no doubt. The advancement of reproductive technologies like artificial insemination (A.I.) and sheep embryo transfer (E.T.) protocols is becoming more readily available. Combine that with the number of sensational new sires to choose from, and advancing your flock’s genetic potential is more efficient than ever. However, there is […]

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goat gestation

How to Prepare for Successful Goat Gestation 

Goat Gestation As genetics selection tools and reproduction traits advance, the ability to duplicate superior genetics has become easier through the use of advanced reproductive technologies. Although embryo transfer (E.T.) and artificial insemination (A.I.) are not quite as common in goats as they are in cattle and sheep, the technologies allow for the propagation of […]

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sheep breeding

Sheep Breeding Considerations for a Successful Lamb Crop 

Lambing time comes with much anticipation. Sheep producers get to witness the fruits of their labors and see how their mating decisions panned out as they work to create the next “great one.” However, that labor of love starts at least five months earlier as producers prepare for another exciting season: breeding.   Sheep breeding continues […]

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goat breeding

The DuraFerm® Guide to Goat Breeding 

Goat Breeding At BioZyme, we know that reproduction is the key to profitability. If your livestock are not reproductively sound, your bucks will not breed or make semen, and your does will not breed. Several factors lead to successful goat breeding, and we want to be sure you are ready.  Although we are not reproductive […]

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Feeding for Success: Mineral Program Maximizes Reproductive Potential

As a producer making an investment in future progeny, don’t you want to know that your ewes or does are getting the best nutrition to reach their highest reproductive potential? The investment into advanced reproductive technologies isn’t small, so have your females in the best shape possible with a nutritional supplement from the DuraFerm® line.  DuraFerm is a […]

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winter management in sheep and goats

Tips for Winter Management of Sheep and Goats

The cold weather is enough to stress out all species of man and beast. But for sheep and goats, and especially those that lamb and kid in the cold winter months, extra management steps need to be taken to eliminate the stress on the flocks and herds.   Although most sheep and goats will have thick coats of […]

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Fighting What you can’t See: Internal Parasites in Sheep and Goats

Sometimes the biggest pests are those you can’t even see. This is true for sheep and goat producers who tackle the challenges of internal parasites within their flocks and herds each year. These parasites cause anemia and decreased appetite leading to lowered performance and even death.  The common parasites producers should be aware of are […]

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Progressive Lamb Producer Relies on Nutrition to Help Achieve Goals

Any progressive sheep breeder knows the keys to success start with a sound reproductive program, and that reproductive health starts with the overall health and nutrition of your animals. Progressive club lamb producer Tyler Pickinpaugh started his flock on his family’s ranch near Torrington, Wyoming, but has since relocated Pickinpaugh Livestock to Lincoln, Nebraska, where he and his wife run about […]

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