How to Successfully Put Weight on Ewes Post-weaning

As you look over your flock during lambing season, it is generally fairly simple to tell which ewes excel in mothering ability. They are the thin ones whose spine shows, are bagged down and have two vigorous lambs half their size nursing like that fresh milk is the best thing invented. Prior to lambing those mama ewes looked great, but due to exceptional maternal traits and milking ability, they look a little rugged, just like they did last year. […]

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Reduce Weaning Time Stress

There’s no doubt, weaning is a stressful time for any species. However, it is a necessary part of the life cycle. With proper planning and preparation weaning can be less stressful for both the mom and her offspring, while ensuring that both groups stay healthy and performing.  Greg Beatty, owner of Beatty Club Lambs in Indiana, Pennsylvania, […]

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The Benefits of a Protein Tub for Sheep 

Protein Tub for Sheep Protein is known as the building block for cells. As you work to build your quality sheep flock, you want to be sure that the health and nutrition of that flock are top priorities. If they are, you need to offer adequate protein to your ewes when they need it most.   When […]

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How to Meet Sheep Dietary Needs with a Year-Round Nutrition Program

Strengthen your stock and keep your flock in optimal health with a nutrition program from the BioZyme® family of brands. Providing balanced vitamins and minerals to your sheep 365 days a year is vital to ensuring the success of your flock. Combining the DuraFerm® Sheep mineral and Vita Charge® supplements will help ensure a successful […]

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Keeping your Sheep and Goats Healthy through the Fall

Fall is a busy time on the farm. Regardless of if you are lambing or kidding, weaning your summer-borns or preparing to market your animals, it is imperative to keep them feeling and looking their very best. The extra stress involved at various production stages along with temperature swings brought on by the fall, all make staying […]

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Progressive Lamb Producer Relies on Nutrition to Help Achieve Goals

Any progressive sheep breeder knows the keys to success start with a sound reproductive program, and that reproductive health starts with the overall health and nutrition of your animals. Progressive club lamb producer Tyler Pickinpaugh started his flock on his family’s ranch near Torrington, Wyoming, but has since relocated Pickinpaugh Livestock to Lincoln, Nebraska, where he and his wife run about […]

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3 Preventative Measures Against Cache Valley Virus

When we think mosquitos, we typically think of the foul odor of insect repellant and trying to keep those pesky creatures from landing on and biting our skin, causing itching and welts. However, if you are a sheep or goat producer who breeds ewes and does in the summer, your concerns for mosquitoes are likely to increase as you might […]

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DuraFerm® Sheep Concept•Aid®

More live lambs at birth potentially mean more pounds of lambs at weaning. And with more pounds at weaning, that means more profit potential for the producer. Strengthen your stock with the Amaferm® advantage and achieve higher conception rates with DuraFerm® Sheep Concept•Aid®.  DuraFerm Sheep Concept•Aid is a free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for sheep specifically designed to target cycling, […]

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Prepare for Lambing Time Success

Lambing time is approaching, and that can only mean one thing. It’s time to get your barn clean, set up and organized, and make sure you have your lambing kit stocked and ready. Hopefully, you’ve already prepared your ewes from a nutritional standpoint, so they are ready to deliver vigorous, healthy lambs.  As the ewes are […]

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Passion for Show Goats Drives one Producer to Continue Learning

With a passion for agriculture and people, Alan Wrasman, continues to learn something new every day to make his operation more efficient and successful for his family and his customers. Although he grew up raising and showing cattle and hogs in Ohio, more than 12 years ago he decided to venture into the goat business and started raising Boer goats. Today, Wrasman Family Show Goats, […]

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