kidding season

Kidding Season Offers Excitement in the Barn 

There’s nothing quite as fun as seeing the fruits of your labor in the form of newborn babies—baby goats, that is! When kidding season arrives, you can see how your genetic selection and mating decisions worked, and hopefully, you have great results.  Wait, what is kidding season? Kidding is the term used for mother goats […]

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A Guide to Scours During Lambing and Kidding

The arrival of babies should be one of the most anticipated times of the year. You’ve planned your matings, maintained the health and nutrition of the flock and herd and will be welcoming the arrival of new lambs and kids any day. Don’t let the excitement of lambing and kidding get dampened by scours!  Although management practices have […]

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Keeping your Sheep and Goats Healthy through the Fall

Fall is a busy time on the farm. Regardless of if you are lambing or kidding, weaning your summer-borns or preparing to market your animals, it is imperative to keep them feeling and looking their very best. The extra stress involved at various production stages along with temperature swings brought on by the fall, all make staying […]

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