When you raise livestock, you take a risk every day. But sometimes when you take an extra chance, that chance will pay off in rewards, including a confidence boost. That’s the case for Long Livestock, Vernal, Utah. Jeff and Nikki Long, along with daughter Kallie, own the operation that includes about 50 club lamb mamas, […]
Progressive Club Lamb Producer Sees Results with Nutrition Program
When it comes to reproductive success in the livestock business, it’s no secret that good management coupled with high-quality nutrition program pays in high returns. With the goal of a 200% lamb crop, keeping the flock reproductively sound is a top priority, especially when utilizing the latest in advanced technologies like A.I. and embryo transfer. Harrell Club Lambs, Indiahoma, Oklahoma, […]
Reduce Weaning Time Stress
There’s no doubt, weaning is a stressful time for any species. However, it is a necessary part of the life cycle. With proper planning and preparation weaning can be less stressful for both the mom and her offspring, while ensuring that both groups stay healthy and performing. Greg Beatty, owner of Beatty Club Lambs in Indiana, Pennsylvania, […]
Quality Nutrition Matters for Sheep
Maintaining the proper nutrients in your livestock program can be quite a balancing act. You want to make sure your sheep receive adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats into their diets for their current phase of production. Although several options exist, one vitamin and mineral pack provides balanced nutrients that keep your flock healthy all year while helping ewes get bred, stay bred and […]
Nutrition Leads to Lambing Success
For sheep producers, having a high percentage of live births means more animals to market. But that doesn’t “just happen” on lambing day. It takes careful matings, good management practices and a high-quality nutrition regimen to make sure the ewes get bred, sustain their pregnancy and deliver healthy lambs, preferably two of them. Sam Silvers, owner […]
Vita Charge® Clench Launched to Assist with Scours
Our livestock can’t always tell us how they are feeling, until it’s too late. And oftentimes they “show” us they are not feeling their best through diarrhea and scours. When these symptoms occur, you want to make sure your livestock get properly treated to feel their best, so they continue eating, drinking, looking and performing […]
How One Sheep Enthusiast Keeps his Flock Healthy
Livestock producers spend countless time and effort making breeding decisions, raising, feeding and marketing quality animals. Therefore, finding high-quality supplements that keep their animals healthy and on feed is important to them. That’s why Seth Hooper, Hooper Show Stock Consulting, Bunch, Okla., has turned to BioZyme® products for his nutrition needs in his sheep flock, […]
Tips from Veteran Goat Breeder on Keeping Does and Kids Healthy and Eating
Long-time Boer Goat breeder Janine Miller understands the importance of a good mineral program. She had been brand-loyal to one company for the nearly 15 years she’d been raising goats in south central Pennsylvania. That was until September 2017 when one ingredient in the DuraFerm® Goat Concept•Aid® caught her attention, she made the transition and […]
Mineral Program is the Best Investment for Livestock Producer
Paul Morgan takes his mineral program very seriously. And rightfully so. The Southern Indiana livestock producer has a lot invested in 2M Boer Goats, home to 60-70 donor does and approximately 250 recipients. “The cheapest money you will ever spend on your livestock is on a good mineral program,” Morgan said. “It is important to […]
Managing Breeding Rams During Periods of Drought
As sheep producers prepare for the upcoming breeding season, Dave Ollila, SDSU Extension Sheep Field Specialist, encourages them to give special consideration to the animal’s body condition. “Ram fertility is a key component in flock reproductive performance during periods of drought,” Ollila explained. “Reduced ram fertility may result from heat stress and a lower plane […]