Passion for Show Goats Drives one Producer to Continue Learning

With a passion for agriculture and people, Alan Wrasman, continues to learn something new every day to make his operation more efficient and successful for his family and his customers. Although he grew up raising and showing cattle and hogs in Ohio, more than 12 years ago he decided to venture into the goat business and started raising Boer goats. Today, Wrasman Family Show Goats, […]

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Preparing for a Successful Lambing Season

Lambing season is perhaps the most anticipated time on any sheep operation. You’ve prepared your matings, got the ewes bred and waited for the next crop of potential show lambs, replacement ewes and sire prospects to hit the ground. However, during those approximately five months of gestation, you have plenty of time to prepare your flock for a […]

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Keeping the Flock Healthy through Summer’s Heat

Summer heat has penetrated all parts of the country. For livestock and especially your flock, that means unwanted heat stress during this critical time of year. High temperatures combined with excessive humidity play a critical role in heat stress on your sheep, something that impacts growth, performance and reproduction.  Heat stress will affect the flock […]

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Year-round Health Programs Starts with Nutrition

Focusing on your health doesn’t happen just once a year, and it shouldn’t happen sporadically for your flock either. To maintain a healthy flock, make sure you keep your ewes, rams and lambs on a quality vitamin and mineral program, 365 days a year.   “It’s important to focus on health and performance from the inside, out,” said Sam […]

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Mineral Program Adds Dollars Over Challenges for Future Generations

Challenges are everywhere. Try raising livestock in mass on the plains of West Texas. Predators are looking for their next meaty meal. Annual rain fall is sparce. For sixth generation rancher Ryan Bean, Ozona, Texas, he’s following his passion and working to provide a way of life for the seventh generation, his son and daughter, should […]

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Take a Chance When One More Lamb Matters

When you raise livestock, you take a risk every day. But sometimes when you take an extra chance, that chance will pay off in rewards, including a confidence boost. That’s the case for Long Livestock, Vernal, Utah. Jeff and Nikki Long, along with daughter Kallie, own the operation that includes about 50 club lamb mamas, […]

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Progressive Club Lamb Producer Sees Results with Nutrition Program

When it comes to reproductive success in the livestock business, it’s no secret that good management coupled with high-quality nutrition program pays in high returns. With the goal of a 200% lamb crop, keeping the flock reproductively sound is a top priority, especially when utilizing the latest in advanced technologies like A.I. and embryo transfer.  Harrell Club Lambs, Indiahoma, Oklahoma, […]

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Reduce Weaning Time Stress

There’s no doubt, weaning is a stressful time for any species. However, it is a necessary part of the life cycle. With proper planning and preparation weaning can be less stressful for both the mom and her offspring, while ensuring that both groups stay healthy and performing.  Greg Beatty, owner of Beatty Club Lambs in Indiana, Pennsylvania, […]

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Quality Nutrition Matters for Sheep

Maintaining the proper nutrients in your livestock program can be quite a balancing act. You want to make sure your sheep receive adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats into their diets for their current phase of production. Although several options exist, one vitamin and mineral pack provides balanced nutrients that keep your flock healthy all year while helping ewes get bred, stay bred and […]

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Nutrition Leads to Lambing Success

For sheep producers, having a high percentage of live births means more animals to market. But that doesn’t “just happen” on lambing day. It takes careful matings, good management practices and a high-quality nutrition regimen to make sure the ewes get bred, sustain their pregnancy and deliver healthy lambs, preferably two of them.  Sam Silvers, owner […]

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