We typically think of springtime as a time of birth and growth. Gardens are planted, flowers bloom and newborn lambs and kids are jumping around on the farm. However, with changes in technology and the evolving demand for lambs and goats at various times of the year, more and more producers have started breeding in […]
Category: Sheep
Tips for Grazing Sheep & Goats
Sheep and goats are natural grazers. In most areas grass and other forages are abundant, yet need managed, which is best done naturally through proper grazing. Land stewardship is really an example of “care that comes full circle,” as humans and animals take care of the land, while it provides feed and nutrients to the […]
Lessons Learned in a Livestock Lab
The world should be considered a classroom where daily learning takes place, as long as you seize the opportunities given to you. If you’re fortunate enough to study Animal Science at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, your labs might even extend into one of the farm units, where hands-on learning takes place for students. The […]
How to Successfully Put Weight on Ewes Post-weaning
As you look over your flock during lambing season, it is generally fairly simple to tell which ewes excel in mothering ability. They are the thin ones whose spine shows, are bagged down and have two vigorous lambs half their size nursing like that fresh milk is the best thing invented. Prior to lambing those mama ewes looked great, but due to exceptional maternal traits and milking ability, they look a little rugged, just like they did last year. […]
DuraFerm® Sheep Concept•Aid® Protein Tub
Does your flock need an added boost in protein? Likely at breeding time, they are looking to add some much-needed protein to their diets to help get them bred and keep them bred, while increasing their overall flock health. That’s when the added benefit of the DuraFerm® Sheep Concept•Aid® Protein Tub comes into play. The breeding […]
DuraFerm® Sheep Concept•Aid®
More live lambs at birth potentially mean more pounds of lambs at weaning. And with more pounds at weaning, that means more profit potential for the producer. Strengthen your stock with the Amaferm® advantage and achieve higher conception rates with DuraFerm® Sheep Concept•Aid®. DuraFerm Sheep Concept•Aid is a free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for sheep specifically designed to target cycling, […]
DuraFerm® Sheep Concept•Aid® HEAT®
When Mother Nature turns up the heat, it can cause havoc on your ewes’ reproductive systems. That’s why BioZyme® makers DuraFerm® Sheep Concept•Aid® have created a formula with HEAT® designed for when temperatures get hotter than 70-degrees. DuraFerm Sheep Concept•Aid HEAT is a highly fortified, free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for sheep specifically designed to help prevent heat stress during temperatures […]
Preparing for a Successful Lambing Season
Lambing season is perhaps the most anticipated time on any sheep operation. You’ve prepared your matings, got the ewes bred and waited for the next crop of potential show lambs, replacement ewes and sire prospects to hit the ground. However, during those approximately five months of gestation, you have plenty of time to prepare your flock for a […]
Year-round Health Programs Starts with Nutrition
Focusing on your health doesn’t happen just once a year, and it shouldn’t happen sporadically for your flock either. To maintain a healthy flock, make sure you keep your ewes, rams and lambs on a quality vitamin and mineral program, 365 days a year. “It’s important to focus on health and performance from the inside, out,” said Sam […]
Take a Chance When One More Lamb Matters
When you raise livestock, you take a risk every day. But sometimes when you take an extra chance, that chance will pay off in rewards, including a confidence boost. That’s the case for Long Livestock, Vernal, Utah. Jeff and Nikki Long, along with daughter Kallie, own the operation that includes about 50 club lamb mamas, […]