3 Preventative Measures Against Cache Valley Virus

When we think mosquitos, we typically think of the foul odor of insect repellant and trying to keep those pesky creatures from landing on and biting our skin, causing itching and welts. However, if you are a sheep or goat producer who breeds ewes and does in the summer, your concerns for mosquitoes are likely to increase as you might […]

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Ram Health, Proper Semen Handling Leads to Increased Conception Rates

When it comes to getting your flock bred, having reproductively sound ewes is just 50% of the equation. It is also imperative to have rams that are structurally and reproductively sound, and as an increased number of producers are moving to advanced technologies like A.I. and embryo transfer, knowing how to properly handle semen is […]

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How to Control Insects in your Sheep, Goats

If you own livestock, you’ve got insects. And, if you’ve got sheep or goats, you’ve not only got flies, but ticks and other bugs that can lead to economic losses and physical harm and discomfort to your animals. Summer heat and rains create ideal breeding conditions for many of these pests, but with some planning […]

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Preparing for Summertime Breeding

We typically think of springtime as a time of birth and growth. Gardens are planted, flowers bloom and newborn lambs and kids are jumping around on the farm. However, with changes in technology and the evolving demand for lambs and goats at various times of the year, more and more producers have started breeding in […]

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Tips for Grazing Sheep & Goats

Sheep and goats are natural grazers. In most areas grass and other forages are abundant, yet need managed, which is best done naturally through proper grazing. Land stewardship is really an example of “care that comes full circle,” as humans and animals take care of the land, while it provides feed and nutrients to the […]

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Lessons Learned in a Livestock Lab

The world should be considered a classroom where daily learning takes place, as long as you seize the opportunities given to you. If you’re fortunate enough to study Animal Science at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, your labs might even extend into one of the farm units, where hands-on learning takes place for students. The […]

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Prepare for Lambing Time Success

Lambing time is approaching, and that can only mean one thing. It’s time to get your barn clean, set up and organized, and make sure you have your lambing kit stocked and ready. Hopefully, you’ve already prepared your ewes from a nutritional standpoint, so they are ready to deliver vigorous, healthy lambs.  As the ewes are […]

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Passion for Show Goats Drives one Producer to Continue Learning

With a passion for agriculture and people, Alan Wrasman, continues to learn something new every day to make his operation more efficient and successful for his family and his customers. Although he grew up raising and showing cattle and hogs in Ohio, more than 12 years ago he decided to venture into the goat business and started raising Boer goats. Today, Wrasman Family Show Goats, […]

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Preparing for a Successful Lambing Season

Lambing season is perhaps the most anticipated time on any sheep operation. You’ve prepared your matings, got the ewes bred and waited for the next crop of potential show lambs, replacement ewes and sire prospects to hit the ground. However, during those approximately five months of gestation, you have plenty of time to prepare your flock for a […]

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Keeping the Flock Healthy through Summer’s Heat

Summer heat has penetrated all parts of the country. For livestock and especially your flock, that means unwanted heat stress during this critical time of year. High temperatures combined with excessive humidity play a critical role in heat stress on your sheep, something that impacts growth, performance and reproduction.  Heat stress will affect the flock […]

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