Goats come in all shapes and sizes. But how do they get to be all those different sizes? Goats require nutrients to grow; as a goat owner, you want to give them the best nutrition possible. But what can goats eat? Goats can and will eat almost anything. However, they require certain nutrients to thrive […]
A Guide: What Do Sheep Eat?
Sheep are interesting critters. From the outside, they don’t appear that complex – wooly, somewhat loveable and even picturesque as they dot the countryside grazing. However, as they are grazing, their inside is working to meet their nutritional needs. Sheep are herbivorous ruminants, meaning their diet consists primarily of plant material, and they have a specialized […]
Protein Requirements for Sheep Throughout Their Life Stages
Protein is the building block for cells. As sheep producers, you know that to ensure the health of your flock, nutrition should be at the top of your priority list. Protein is a vital part of quality nutrition. When the ewe’s diet is deficient in protein, fetal development, growth and milk production are all compromised. […]
When to Wean Lambs and Post-weaning Lamb Care
Weaning lambs is an important process in sheep production, impacting their growth, health and long-term productivity. Weaning marks the transition from a milk-based diet to solid feed and, when managed properly, ensures that lambs grow into healthy, productive adult sheep. Understanding the optimal timing of when to wean lambs and implementing best practices for lamb […]
Kidding Season Offers Excitement in the Barn
There’s nothing quite as fun as seeing the fruits of your labor in the form of newborn babies—baby goats, that is! When kidding season arrives, you can see how your genetic selection and mating decisions worked, and hopefully, you have great results. Wait, what is kidding season? Kidding is the term used for mother goats […]
Preparation is Vital for a Successful Lambing Season
Lambing season is perhaps one of the most anticipated times for any sheep producer, both beginner and experienced. After carefully making mating decisions, breeding the ewes and waiting through gestation, healthy, newborn lambs hit the ground. Lambing season is definitely a time of excitement! At BioZyme®, the makers of DuraFerm®, we specialize in vitamin and mineral supplements […]
Reproductive Options Exist for Breeding Goats
Raising goats has become quite the trend. Just because everyone is doing it doesn’t mean everyone has to use the same management style. Three primary reproductive options are commonly used for breeding goats: natural breeding, artificial insemination and embryo transfer. Every operation has its own set of goals and management practices that best suit its […]
Reproduction Options for Your Ewes
When managing your ewe flock, understanding the breeding options available can help optimize genetic gain, improve flock productivity, and adapt to market needs. Three primary methods of breeding your ewes include natural service, artificial insemination (A.I.) and embryo transfer (E.T.). At DuraFerm®, we create nutritional supplements for sheep and goats that support optimal digestion and […]
When is Lambing Season?
Have you ever experienced the sound of a newborn lamb crying for its mom? Have you seen those long, spindly legs attempting to take their first steps, standing to suckle their mother’s milk? The smell of wool, straw and newborn lambs is a scent that will stick in your mind for a lifetime if you […]
How to Prepare for First Time Goat Kidding
There’s nothing cuter than a baby goat jumping around, leaping onto its mama. That is unless it’s an entire pen of goat kids jumping and playing together. Before you get those baby goats to the point of playing you first have to get them born safely and healthfully and started in the right direction. At […]