How to Prepare for First Time Goat Kidding 

first time goat kidding

There’s nothing cuter than a baby goat jumping around, leaping onto its mama. That is unless it’s an entire pen of goat kids jumping and playing together. Before you get those baby goats to the point of playing you first have to get them born safely and healthfully and started in the right direction.  

At BioZyme®, the makers of DuraFerm®, we specialize in vitamin and mineral supplements specifically to strengthen your stock by supporting reproductive success and enhancing overall health. DuraFerm is a line of nutritional supplements for sheep and goats that supports optimal digestion and nutrition for maximized performance at every stage of production.  

The DuraFerm team knows that a healthy goat kid starts with keeping the does healthy throughout gestation. We also know that an increasing number of people are getting interested in raising goats. We wanted to prepare those of you who might be starting your goat operation on how to prepare for first time goat kidding. 

Troy Goretska, BioZyme Area Sales Manager in Iowa and Illinois, and experienced livestock breeder, shared how he and his family prepare for kidding at their operation in Iowa. 

Preparing for First Time Goat Kidding 

“Be ready before they start,” Goretska advised. He especially encourages first-time breeders to have a checklist handy of supplies that they might not have thought of. 

Sure Champ® Liquid Boost® 

Liquid Boost is a liquid for all livestock designed to provide immediate support to the animal’s digestive and immune system. It contains AO-Biotics® Amaferm®. It also contains MOS to help normalize gut microflora and support the immune system and flavoring to help drive intake of feed or water. 

Goretska likes to give Liquid Boost to his kids at birth to help get them up and going. He also recommends putting it in the does’ water as a way to drive appetite during this crucial time of lactation. 

Vitamin B-12 Complex 

Along with the Liquid Boost, he gives his kids a dose of this at birth to give them a little added boost. 


All kids need their navels sprayed with iodine as a way to prevent infection and the spread of disease.  

CD&T Vaccine 

Goretska will give kids two rounds of CD&T within their first month of life. He gives them a half-dose within the first week and follows up with a full dose when the kids are about 3 to 4 weeks old. This allows him to get the tetanus vaccine in them as he prepares to disbud the horns on his young males. Be sure to read and follow label directions. 

Once you have your supplies ready, barn clean, sanitized and bedded down, you are ready for baby goat kids to arrive. 

Kid Arrival Day 

Goretska prefers for his does to kid or give birth inside where he has control over the environment. Expectant does are grouped by due date in the maternity ward and “drop” or birth their kids in a larger pen. The mama and their offspring are then put into a smaller “jug” pen right after the kids are born. 

In addition to putting them in the jug pen, he makes sure the kids’ airways are clear. He recommends a nasal aspirator or bulb “sucker” like you might use on human babies to help get afterbirth and mucous out of their airways. 

Once they are breathing by themselves, Goretska checks them for cleft palates. This ensures they can suckle their mama and get milk on their own. This is also when he gives them a small dose of vitamin B-12 complex and the Liquid Boost to help build their immune response. 

After he knows they are healthy, breathing and nursing, he leaves the mama and kids to themselves to bond. Afterall, that mama doe has been growing those little goat kids for approximately 150 days in utero, it’s time to start loving them outside of the womb. 

Post-Kidding Care 

Before turning the kids and their mamas out of the jugs, Goretska recommends putting ear tags in the baby goats. This is the simplest and most efficient way to match the mother to her progeny.  

Disbudding the horns on males is another responsibility of goat breeders that should be done when the kids are between 5 to 7 days old. Disbudding is less traumatic than dehorning for the goat because the horn is not yet attached to the skull. Everyone has a different preference, according to Goretska. However, he prefers using an electric hot iron. 

What about Mom? 

We’ve focused a lot on these cute little goat kids and getting ready for the first time goat kidding. That is very important – especially if it is your first time. However, without a healthy doe, there are no healthy kids. Good doe nutrition should be a priority year-round, but even more so during goat gestation through lactation. That’s where a nutrition program from DuraFerm comes in. 

Good nutrition is vital to monitoring your herd’s body condition score, keeping does vaccinated and trimming their feet.  

DuraFerm is a line of nutritional supplements for sheep and goats that supports optimal digestion and nutrition for maximized performance at every stage of production. For goats, we offer two products designed to help strengthen your stock and support reproductive success.   

DuraFerm® Concept•Aid Goat ®   

DuraFerm Concept•Aid Goat  is a free-choice vitamin and mineral supplement for goats designed to support reproductive success. Goat Concept•Aid contains AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a prebiotic research proven to enhance digestibility. It also includes high levels of vitamin E for reproductive tract repair and supports embryo production and conception using organic trace minerals, including copper, zinc, manganese and selenium. It comes in a 50-pound bag.   

DuraFerm® Concept•Aid® Goat Protein Tub   

DuraFerm Concept•Aid Goat Protein Tub is a 50-pound protein tub with vitamins and minerals for goats designed to support reproductive success. It also contains Amaferm, a prebiotic research-proven to enhance digestibility. The 20% natural protein tub contains the Concept•Aid goat mineral package and supports embryo production and conception using organic trace minerals, including copper, zinc, manganese and selenium. 

Both products are for feeding to the entire herd 30 days prior to kidding through at least 30 days post-breeding. They can be fed year-round to both does and bucks. For increased protein at kidding, you can switch between the loose mineral and the tub.   

The Final Word  

First time goat kidding is exciting and nerve-wracking all at once. Every year of goat kidding is exciting. Be prepared, and you should have success. 

Furthermore, this is just one resource. We might know a thing or two about nutrition, but we are not trained animal caretakers. We encourage you to establish a relationship with your veterinarian.  

Whether this is your first time goat kidding or your 10th, you’ll run into challenges. They may even require medical attention. If your veterinarian already has insights into your herd, it will make their job of caring for your animals easier. In short, having a trusted relationship with your vet is the best way to support your herd.   

Get your DuraFerm Today   

Do you want to get herd to have the best year-round nutrition with DuraFerm Goat Concept•Aid products powered by AO-Biotics Amaferm? You can! DuraFerm is available through the extensive BioZyme dealer network. Locate a dealer near you today.   

Don’t forget to use our Goat Gestation Calculator. This handy guide will help you with all your goat breeding calculations.   

You can also learn more about DuraFerm from our educational blog series or by signing up for our newsletter. 

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